"The Laramie Project: Ten Years Later" is a sequel play penned by Moisés Kaufman and members of the Tectonic Theater Project. It follows the original "The Laramie Project," which centered around the aftermath of the 1998 murder of Matthew Shepard, a young gay man in Laramie, Wyoming.

In this continuation, "Ten Years Later," the Tectonic Theater Project revisits Laramie a decade after the events of the first play. The sequel explores the community's journey in the years following Matthew Shepard's tragic death, delving into how the crime has shaped individuals and the town as a whole. It takes a close look at evolving attitudes, changes in laws, and shifting perspectives regarding LGBTQ+ issues, providing insight into the ongoing process of healing and understanding.

Through interviews with individuals, such as Laramie police officer Robert Debree, and killer Aaron McKinney, the play offers a poignant and reflective examination of the long-term effects of the hate crime on the community and society at large. Its aim is to illuminate the progress made and the challenges that persist in the ongoing struggle for tolerance, acceptance, and justice.


These Shining Lives